A. Ursyn Orchestra: Food Keeper, Ace
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Loosing a leg in a battle fought under his command did not stop his ability to rule. He believed in nature and would never alter anything that was nature-driven. Thu, Ace adjusted himself to being a one-legged man. He hopped. He moved quickly and silently, as his shoe sole had a special padding, able to control the hopping noise. He worked in the pantry room to make sure that there was always enough food that was nutritious and fresh. His major concern was to find good containers that would hold the food fresh, rodent and insect -proof. He had to rotate the food so it would be there without getting old. The other issue was how to keep the always-hungry musicians away from it, when he was not around. Those who stayed with the orchestra long enough, knew well the crime-and-punishment rules and automatically stayed away from his pantry. The new ones always tried. For this reason, he decorated the pantry room with canvas with printed images of the stairways, false windows an doors, that were able to cover the jars. He rotated his printouts, which was the most confusing thing for the newcomers.
Food Keeper