A. Ursyn Orchestra / Keyboard Jo
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Keyboard-Jo Jo was assigned to be a family piano teacher. The lessons felt lengthy and exhausting to her. She wanted to stop many times, but the piano, her family investment, kept shining in the drawing room. She started recording sounds. Many of them were drawn from nature, many were human-made. Some would fit the nature category but were actually produced by hand. The moment she burned a CD-Rom with the whole collection, she realized the keyboard was doing all she wanted: mixing sounds. Furthermore, she didn't have to teach it anymore, as it sounded like all the family members already knew how to play the  

Jennifer Dauphinais

Musicus obsessius. A new species was discovered and documented in Colorado this past week. Scientists have found human skeletal remains attached to small typing devices buried next to a large TV screen device. These humanoid creatures are dependent upon these devices for part of their sensory intellect and communication. Anthropologists on site say that these musicus specie interact manually with a larger intellect base through the device allowing them to have social contact and daily activity. Human glyphs adorn the typing "keyboard" and musicus is able to press each glyph in order to "chat" with other obsessius. The humanoids are said to be able to "download" cyber information that is relayed as "mp3' or music files. They are then able to seduce a sensory experience. Together the species create a colony, or "server base" that allows them to continue this necessary sensory function. Another differing species characteristic form regular homo-sapiens is that musicus is able to go for long periods of time without eating, sleeping, or excreting waste. It seems that they are biologically programmed to gain energy and nutrition strictly from "mp3" enhancement. They have large glassy eye-like sockets, and enlarged frontal lobes due to an increased amount of contact with the audio visual sensory function. Often times these species are found buried in ceremonial adornments of lounge barbells, and distended earlobes, distinguishing them from the rest of the mammal family.