A. Ursyn Orchestra / Marimba Forrest
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Elements and Principles of Design in Music by Denisha Garcia

For my discipline I want to look at the art of playing the piano.
I have played for 12 years and I never really put into perspective the designs and principle elements of it.When you look at a sheet of music, you see the line principles of the bars and staffs. There are five lines to each line of music. The actual notes themselves (half notes, whole notes etc.) are made up of lines and circles. They are expressive and create the whole musical composition.
When I think of color, I compare color to sound. when I play really high notes, they remind me of bright colors like yellow, orange and red. Colors that produce and energetic feeling. When I play low, deep notes, they remind me of dark blues, blacks and greens. When looking at a sheet of music, you see all of the notes arranged in a way that create movement. There are different notes in different areas and they create wave shape visually. When I think of space I think of the parts of the song that have rest beats. These rests break up the sound and give silence to the piece. This reminds me of space being so quite and separate from everything else.
I see texture in music by the particular notes that I play. Staccato notes are notes that are played very quickly as if you play the note as fast as you can and then take you hands off the keyboard. They create a prickly feeling which then reminds me of a texture of prickly pin needles When it comes to variety and contrast, I think of certain classical pieces that are very long but each segment has different speeds. For one song, there can be quick parts and then transition into slower
segments but it all relates to the same song. This is variety in music. For balance in a piece, a song needs to make sense and create a sensation for the listener. It shouldn't sound backward of disorganized. the notes need to be written correctly and fluently.
Finally unity. For a piece of music, on the piano to create unity, it must be completed and fully composed. All of the elements of arranging of notes and completing the task has come together to create the perfectly sound piece.

He was named Forrest. He liked his name a lot. It became a symbol for all he was doing. Gradually, he became obsessed with the relationship between one’s name and a profession of choice, look, character, or hobbies a person would choose. He liked spending his weekends in the forest, driving his car that even sounded in a similar way. His last name suggested marimba. It gave him some sort of fulfillment. People laughed from his theories, except for Dave, who suggested that one’s name is one of the first meaningful messages one recognizes as a child, thus it makes a person alerted to the concepts associated with these words. Forrest’s new hobby became to compare peoples’ last names with all that they made them be. He used to capture all the findings in a box that he carried with him all the time, but shared it only with Dave. At least it is an inexpensive hobby, he kept saying.