A. Ursyn Orchestra / Narrators Fiovanni, Smajo, Osman, Tierry
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They all loved to eat. This topic filled out most of their discussions. Some felt that it was almost visible just by looking at their mood what they just ate and if it was good. Also, one could say that the quality of their performance also depended on the meals they’d have, both in a good and in a bad way. Once, they all went for a very nice, long lasting meal, and it was right before the recording of an animated film filled with many characters, various voices and actions. They all thought it was an important recording session with a great sell-related potential. But they all felt full and sleepy. Their voices were not as lively and vigorous as they used to be. The recording session was long, slow and obnoxious, they all felt. Every sentence had to be stopped and repeated. Everyone felt they were like talking through their stomachs. There was something interesting in it, though. One of the producers quickly collected the recordings to be used in a full-featured film that mimicked some animation and the recording was slanted for the following week.