A. Ursyn Orchestra: Show Hosts: Bogdan & Dejan
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Dejan and Bogdan were twins, not identical, but there was a strong resemblance between them. Their parents had always wanted to name their child with both grandparents first names. Having the twins came handy. The firstborn got a name Dejan Bogdan and the second one was called Bogdan Dejan. The life was easy. Whenever one of them could not come to attend something, the other one would fill in, and vice versa. Their IDs were almost identical, just as they were. Thus, Dejan attended a safety instruction session after Bogdan was caught speeding, and Bogdan met with a girl Dejan wanted to break up with. How unhearthly. Of course she knew, but it all was easier this way; besides, she started to date Bogdan.

Show Hosts