A. Ursyn Orchestra / Triangle Pearl
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To be art, it is sufficient that the characteristics of human history is always included.
No object lacking human sympathy is art.
To be music, it is sufficient that the senses of the audience is moved and shaken.
No object lacking the sense of exquisite is music.

Supika Susilavorn

Pearl loved birds. Their chirping, their look, their personality and their group mind were always affecting her thinking. She admired the fact that they knew so much and could organize their collective life in a beautiful way, which allowed them to survive. She saw “Winged Migration” (2001, Academy Award, directed by Jacques Cluzaud, Michel Debat, and Jacques Perrin) and then “The March of Penguins" (2004, directed by Luc Jacquet) followed by "The Wild Parrots of the Telegraph Hill" (2005, directed by Judy Irving). She thought the movies were beautiful and cruel at the same time, and started learning more and more and keeping an eye on her own birds. She let them fly and watched them return to the cage to play with toys or look into the mirror. The triangle was a metaphor of an enclosed space, just like a cage. She always felt the birds inside her triangle when she played her instrument.