A. Ursyn Orchestra / Trombe Perfiana Ricardo
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This tromba was always longer then the player. Crusaiders liked that. It sounded scary. He often felt like a crusaider – the sound of his instrument did it to him. Ricardo's real passion was to build architectural projects using 3D programs. He used some components to be included in his compositions: trees, benches, furniture, light fixtures, even people. Once, he inserted a person into the composition, but later could not find it. ”It must be behind the house,” he thought, so he rotated the house. Nothing. The person disappeared. He kept looking and searching, and could not find it. There obviously was a problem with his accessing and working on a wrong axis. He struggled and then forgot all about it. After happily finishing all the exterior of the building, he decided to virtually walk inside. He went in, and ... there was a man inside. They both screamed!

Tromba Perfiana_Ricardo