A. Ursyn Orchestra / Ukulele Moana
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Moana liked to talk to people. Her mind worked faster than she could speak, so often her stories were lengthy and involved many characters. Here is one of them: She went to the dentist, who’s dog had chased a mailman, who was just about to deliver a letter to Stephanie, who had hoped it would be a letter from the Director Gerlost, inviting and informing her about her new role in a performance for the Quinn Armalita, who was just in town staying at the residence, the owners of which have just left for a Music Fair, in which five percussionists, Jaimie, Tom, Thomas, Raymond and Kevin were involved, as per invitation of their fan, who’s friend Kathy, had to visit Peter in order to consult on a new dress, which she saw on TV watched by David when they visited him without warning, because it was on their way to buy a new instrument for Tom, but Edward was passing by, and then they all knew his aunt was sick, so he had to bring her some medications from a pharmacy run by a mother of Mark, who … No one had to guess what she was thinking about.
is lacking
the potency
and simple poetry
of silence or sound
with the noise
that is my
deaf ness...

seth hunter