Crowd Makers Rori, Puy, Uri, Keld

In order to boost the sales of the tickets the Orchestra director hired a group of friends as crowd makers. Their task was to create a line to the box office. Whenever one would reach the sale window, they would move to the end of the line, this time wearing a hat, changing a scarf, or turning the jacket inside out. In case someone would notice that one person is like a permanent part of the line, they were to answer that due to the high sales volume the amount of tickets to be sold to an individual was to be limited. Thus, they had to buy few tickets at a time and to come back for the rest. It worked, till someone wanted to buy tickets for a family reunion, and the salesperson could not hide his enthusiasm caused by this transaction.

A. Ursyn Orchestra: Crowdmakers Rori, Puy, Uri, Keld
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