A. Ursyn Orchestra / The Music Lover Pedro
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Yucat AN Trio by Robert Ehle

Music lover Pedro, who also practices various sports, has always intrigued musicians. Pedro has a passion for he extreme rides on bikes and is a great fan of demolition derby. But he is also present at every single concert given by the symphony orchestra and every opera performance, where he always sits in the same chair in the front row. He brings flowers to present a certain musician with them, each time a different one. After that, he quickly disappears. Nobody can understand the reasons for this behavior. Music talkers Todd and Tina discuss motivations that might make people want to do certain peculiar things. There are a lot of hypotheses – maybe he feels a true love for music, maybe he loves to be seen on a stage, maybe he was an accomplished musician some time ago, or had one in his family. None of these suppositions seem true, as Pedro does not look like a sentimental person. Adam, the oboist believes that Pedro is in love with a florist who sells flowers and ornamental plants in a nearby store.