Two Dimensional Art / Data Mining
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Data Miningmovie

Data Mining

Descriptive Statement: Humans create cities, whereas a city metaphor reflects data sets.

Brief description of the storyline: What technological and human worlds have in common?
Natural order guides our understanding of big data sets related to network analysis, when we employ physical analogies of the data,
render the data graphically, explore them ‘by eye’ and interact in real time
My task is to juxtapose the regularity of nature with man's physical and intellectual constructions.
The big city, for example, combines how humans affect their environment, and how a city metaphor reflects rhythm and organization of big data sets,
and makes data mining easier. Observers — whether artists or technology experts — perceive such relationships from different perspectives and different points of view.
link to the movie

featured at the SIGGRAPH's Art Gallery "Synaesthesia" Computer Animation Festival

Eurographics and Victory Media Network, big outdoor moving screens Dallas, TX