Two Dimensional Art / Monday Morning
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Monday Morning

Monday Morning

Mondays emphasize the typical routine each of us goes through during the work week, as after the weekend everything starts over.
The cycle repeats itself with greater empathy, less efficiency and even less energy.
All commotion, turmoil, confusion, and individual interests are then expressed and perceived with greater intensity.
This becomes a summary and a cast of characters for the whole week.

Exhibited as part of the ACM SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, LA, CA 1995 , Kenneth O'Connell,Chair
E xhibited at the Fourth New York Digital Salon
Published in George Whale and Naren Barfield " Digital Printmating"
©2001 A & C Black (Publishers) Limited, GB, and © 2003 Watson-Fuptil PublicationsISBN # 0-8230-1398-7
Published in "Art ofthe Digital Age" Thames and Hudson, ISBN 13-978-0-500-238117-2