A. Ursyn Orchestra / Soprano Dorothea
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Dorothea's voice is so deep, pure, sharp, balanced, warm, sensitive, clear, harmonious, loud, powerful, tonal, strong, tuned,,vibrant,clean, and colorful,
are no words to describe it.



Jenny Gelwick

1. All musicals must include an aspect of discovery, whether this is contained in the journey of the character growth within the piece, or in the journey taken by the audience. This journey can be a simple one in which people discover joy within themselves, or can be a deep, complicated one, in which people's lives are suddenly understood or changed. This is the most important requirement for a musical, or any other piece of theater.
2. There must be a reason for everything that happens in a musical. Nothing is worse than a song, dance, or scene just for the sake of having a song, dance, or scene. The actors must understand the motivation for everything they do.
3. All messages in musicals must be left to the interpretation of the viewer.
What the writer/composers had in mind and what the audience takes away doesn't necessarily have to match, but the director must do her best to carry out a show in the way the author intended. If this is not morally possible for the director, he shouldn't be directing that particular show.
4. No single art form encompasses more varied forms of creativity and mediums than does musical theater. Any form of visual art can be employed to create atmosphere in the setting or properties. There are visual art forms that are exclusive to theater employed as well. These should be taken as seriously as every other aspect of a show. Every type of music, instrument, voice and dance is used in this form as well. The language can be anywhere from Shakespearian to colloquial.
5. As was proven in the film, DANCER IN THE DARK, musical theater is an
effective form of escapism, and can bring happiness to even the most dismal of lives.
6. The best shows in musical theater offer a combination of escapism and
incredible insight into the state of humanity.
7. The worst shows in theater are the ones that try to offer escapism only,
and don't succeed.
8. In order to enjoy musical theater, one must have an open mind to many
different art forms, and accept the value of each. This is why people either
seem to love it, or to hate it. If you can experience and appreciate all of
the art forms involved, you will be captivated. If you close your mind to a
single aspect of it, you will lose the ability to appreciate any of it.